Top Girls and Women Dating Tips @ ONS#1

Best online dating tips every single woman should follow


Do you believe that there is one “special person” out there for everyone?


Well, he could be online right now, waiting for you to reply. The stigma of online dating is fading as we move in a more progressive and technological advance era. Nowadays, more and more people seem to be comfortable with the idea of meeting someone online. Even with this new emerging trend, the dating rules haven’t changed much.

The outcome of your online dating experience largely depends on your attitude and approach. The dating overall isn’t hit and miss.

You need to learn a few tips to get the most out of your online dating and secure a date with the right guy.


Don’t stress too much

Dating should be fun. The concept of ‘husband-hunting’ can be scary, but if you are looking every date as an audition, this may come out as desperate and unattractive. I understand you don’t want to waste your time. However, just sit down and talk to the man. You can communicate from focusing on what is happening in the current moment. Don’t worry about the future yet. With the right person, everything will seem easy.


Take an initiative

You don’t have to drag your communication over dating apps or hookup sites for weeks. If you feel that he could be a great partner, ask him for a coffee, or a hangout. Writing long messages to each other isn’t same as meeting someone in real. It is better to meet him sooner rather than investing time and emotions for words.


Don’t continue dating someone because you can’t find anyone else or you feel bad for them. If you don’t see yourself with him in the future, just be honest, and say, “Hey, I had a great time with you, but I don’t see us together”. You need to cut him loose immediately without wasting any more time or energy. It will save both of you from unnecessary heartache.


Stay positive

Chances are that you may have to go to at least one weird date, or maybe more than one before you meet your prince charming. I would recommend keeping your first meeting very casual and short. Like you can go for a coffee or a walk. Believe me, you don’t want to stuck at a movie theater for an hour with some stranger you didn’t like.

Instead of being getting into a victim mode that why do I always get such people, add some positivity and humor, and say, I have to tell my friends about this.


Keep your expectations low and standards high

Most of the time, all of us make the same mistake. We expect way more than what we are willing to offer. Being realistic is good. You should know yourself before expecting or demanding from others. For example, if you are looking for someone with a specific job or social status. But in the same paragraph, you exhibit how uncertain you are about your life or career. This won’t look attractive to your potential date.

Instead of asking others to do things for you, focus on improving yourself, and how you can bring more happiness in your life and attract the right guy. You can ask a male friend of yours to have a look at your dating profile and see if he can suggest anything. Rewrite your profile or change your photos if you have to. There shouldn’t be any conflict in what you are trying to say and whom you are trying to attract.


Don’t lie. It won’t help

You should never tell a lie on your profile. Don’t upload a 5 or 7-year-old picture unless you are planning to stay online forever. Stay positive. Negativity and lie emit itself quickly. If you want others to be true to you, be honest to them as well.


Understand how online dating works

In the beginning, you may feel overwhelmed due to the number of messages you will get from men. Women usually don’t have to put too much effort. Uploading their best pictures is enough to attract hundreds of messages in a day, but men have to do little harder to stand out from the crowd.


So, how can you reply to all those 500 messages?

Well, simple. You don’t have to reply to every message. You can check the images, profiles of these men to see who has invested more effort and time. You don’t have to reply to every random “Hi” message. Stay authentic and honest to your character and values.


Recognize Red Flags

Just because he sends you sweet and funny (or maybe sexy) text messages doesn’t mean you know everything about him. There can be some red flags around some men, and ignoring these red flags can be disastrous. Not every good look man is the right fit for you. For example, if he only talks about himself and shows no interest in your life or don’t remember what you said to him an hour ago, it is time to move on to the next prospective.

You can ignore or report inappropriate or vulgar messages. If someone stays persistent despite you saying “No”. Block him and focus only on the positive interactions. It may sound like a harsh tip, but this is for your sanity.


Be safe

You shouldn’t trust a person just because he has been nice to you online. It is always a good idea to put your security first. You should meet your potential date at some public place or asked your friends or a family member to check up on you in a few hours when meeting him for the first time. They should also know about where you are going and whom you are going to meet.


Know what you want

Before even starting to pursue men online, you should be fully aware of what you are looking for. Do you want just friends, no-commitment dating, or something serious? You should have a clear goal in your mind while crafting your dating profile.

If you are looking for marriage, don’t contact or reply to someone who needs a woman only to hangout. Neither you can change anyone nor should you try.


Keep an open mind

It is good if you have some rules regarding what you want and how you want, but don’t be too over-sensitive. Keep your mind and heart open. Show some flexibility when it comes to maintaining a relationship or flexibility.

If a man reaches late for a date and says sorry, give him one chance. If he repeats the pattern, you can decide about the situation. It is okay to have some rules, but as long as you are safe and happy, don’t forget to follow your heart.


Finding your soul-mate takes time

Unless you get extremely lucky, you are not going to hit off with the first person you met online and live happily ever after. You need to give some time to yourself. If feel overwhelmed from the whole dating things, take a few days break off, and start again. Dating is a process, not a one day task.


Try different dating apps and websites

Every dating app or website has its own unique set of features and purpose. You may like one for its user-friendly design or like others for its quality of men and experience. Plus, every city or state has a different favorite app or website. If you have moved to a new place, you can ask your friends what they have used or what they like. Don’t expect to have the same result with each app, as Tinder is for casual encounters, and, are used for finding serious relationships.


Don’t take rejection personally

Accept some men are not just into you and it is okay. If someone ghosted or breadcrumbed you, it says a lot more about them than you. I understand it hurts. Especially, if you have been emotionally invested, but this is a part of the dating process. You will meet some nice and not so nice people. No matter what, do not be a doormat.


Love yourself

This may sound cheesy, but you should love yourself first before asking others to love you. Online dating may seem daunting, but it doesn’t mean you should hide under the bed to avoid it. The experience can be powerful, and who knows, you may find your soul-mate online.

So get ready for a new dating experience with all the confidence and love in your heart. Don’t worry about the rejections. These are just simple ways to redirect you to someone who truly deserves you.

Good luck and happy dating!