Male-Female Relationships in the 21st Century
One Night Stand #1 is mostly focused on (as its name says) casual sex, finding partners near you and having a great time in various sexual encounters. Thanks to huge user response we decided to explain a bit wider, this is a short guide on how sex, dating, and relationships functioning in those days of the 21st century. For a larger number of people, sex is closely connected with some kind of love and many people are not comfortable with casual sex out of a relationship, so this is trying to explain how stuff works.
Complicated or Easy?
Relationships become complicated due to technology. For example, there is a lot of long distance relationship, where technology can help, but on the other side, technology can be a deal breaker since today, thanks to messengers, Facebook, and other communication channels and social network it is easier than ever to cheat. Look at the list of hookups apps and sex sites and you will get a clue what is all about. (Also read our post about local hookups, since it is best to seek sex partners near you). In simple words chances to find a partner near you or on the other part of the world are better than ever. But also to be cheated or to cheat is more possible and easier than ever. Some studies say that in past years, number of hookups, relationships and marriages where people met online is larger than the number of people who met in traditional ways. Technology is a big player when it comes to sex, relationships, dating, marriage, hookups and unfortunately breakups and divorce.
More than 2/3 of a population is on some social network, the biggest part of cake belongs to Facebook and Instagram. This fact is important to understand, how technology changes our mind, making new standards in our lives and changing values that we had before. Society approves things like almost nude pictures (or totally nude), various another kind of human behavior like showing own wealth, fortune and lifestyle to rest of the world (to other people). That is a point where a game in male-female relationships, including sex, casual sex, dating, marriage changing and become "faster" than ever.
In old times, it would take some time until you meet woman/man, then some time to know each other, sometimes it very time consuming, you needed weeks or months to get sex from another side. Now thanks to all messengers and social networks you can communicate 24/7 with another side what speed up things. That is where hookup apps and casual sex sites come to the scene. Good opening line, a bit of sexting, and if both sides agree sex comes very soon. Again, on another side, there is no any kind of commitment so people are euphoric in first one night stands and other types of casual sex, but later they start to feel bad about that. Why? Simply they are not happy with own behavior, emotions, and usually both: not satisfied with such sexual life or emotional. That is a point where everybody should find an ideal "balance" between using technology for meeting other people for various activities and own internal peace.
How to Deal with it?
Simply: understand how the world around you functioning!. What are values, what are goals what is socially accepted, what is not, and find your "place".
Let's go a bit deeper, starting from the beginning. A long time ago there are also males and females. When "he" lived in a cage, it was a bit simpler: stronger males had more food and better place to stay, and those males had more than one female. It is all about who is stronger. One more fact: in old days physically stronger was a better hunter and could steal from those who are weaker. Forwarded to the 21st century, everything is same just changed shape: money is what makes man strong. With the money, you are buying a place, food and everything else. We don't need to beat people around or to be beaten, and that is good! :)
Some statistic says that about 5-10% have money and power (and almost all females they want) and other 90-95% sharing lower position on "sex market" when it comes to sex, marriage, dating, anything...
Those 5-10% male population will not read this, I am sure, they don't need "Sex and Relationships Guide for 21st Century", because they already have everything they need. This Guide is focused on those who are not in those 5-10% group, to increase chances for better and more attractive women when it comes to sex or dating or anything else. So this is not sort of "dating tips" or "hookup tricks" this just small explanation how stuff works in male-female relationships and how to increase your chances in that market.
Simple steps to Reach the Best possible position on "Sex Market"
- Know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles-Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu said this thousand years ago. It is same: know your enemy (women) know yourself (your position on sex market). In the real world of sex market (again in any kind of relationships: sex, dating, marriage and so on) it is important to be realistic and know your possibilities. If you are asking yourself honestly, you will know exactly how are your physical attraction and other social values (education, social circles, finances). Realy important if you want sex or good girl to marriage is to know who are you and according to that what is your real value on the market. It doesn't mean that you need only in your "league" it simply means that you are really what one half of this story (remember: "know yourself...)
Then we are coming to the second part of that sentence: "know the enemy". When you know your market value according to parameters you just sow, you need to find similar "targets" by similar "value" on the sex market. That is good, actually the best starting point, no matter are you want a date, casual hookup or marriage. keep in mind that any case stuff works very similar, maybe even identical. Keep in mind that women doing the same thing. And they are doing that much better than we. I don't know why, but some explanations say they simply have such nature and better instincts when it comes to opposite sex, reproduction and other kinds of stuff. It makes sense. It does not matter why they do that better than we, it is fact that they do, and just accept that fact for your good.
- Play on a large scale
To find anything above listed: sex, dating, casual sex, sexting partner, relationship, marriage or whatever, it is smart and efficient to play on large scale. Imagine your efforts to find casual sex for tonight. This is just for example. It works for anything else. You will go to a hookup site or app, open account, search around for a half hour and send few messages to girls that are attractive to you. I will tell you: you will have 0 results in 99% of such situations. Why? Wrong approach. What is the realistic approach? Open some accounts on few hookup sites and apps. Search within your league, every girl you see that meet "value criteria" message immediately. Prepare a good opener message and just copy paste to every girl within your league. Results? Instead of previous 99:1, now your chances are about 50:50 that you will get laid tonight. The first girl who response, talk with her, second, third and so on, until you close the deal. In case that you have few parallel communications keep other girls, tell them something like "I am tired, going to sleep we will talk tomorrow again" and you are actually going to meet your hookup and have some sex. If you are suspicious, do this for one evening, for 1 hour, you will send ~50-100 message to girls within your league and at least few will be interested to talk /see /f**k with you.
An example given here works in case you are looking not just casual sex but also date, marriage, fuck buddy, relationship, anything. Remember: play on a large scale because of that you will save a lot of time and You will get much better results.
- Make Good Decisions and separate Hookup material from Wife material
You can fool around having some great time if you follow simple tips that You just read. In meantime, you will learn a game and You will gain a lot of experience with hookups, casual sex and everything related to that. When time coming you will probably get an idea of settling down with some nice girl. Point of playing a casual game with women is not only to have some great time with various older and younger women, but also to learn something, and according to those experiences can find out what is good wife material. So the idea of this Guide is not only to have a ton of sex without boundaries but also to learn some stuff and in mean time recognize and pick right one for the rest of the life.
- When you win JackPot - Settle Down and hold it!
Unfortunately, I know a much more sad man in a marriage that those who are happy. The sad fact is that they "failed" always on same point: picking wrong women. Famous Charles Bukowski once said: "Many a good man has been put under the bridge by a woman". And that is exactly what I am seeing whole my life.
As already mentioned this is not just a guide on "how to bang girl" it is also about how at the end of the journey to settle down with nice and good women. That is all connected and related. Having a lot of girls give you a lot of sexual and other pleasures but most important is knowing yourself, knowing women, and learning until you are experienced enough that you have no secrets when it comes to women.
Many great guys suffering because of the wrong pick of sex partner (women) for a marriage. That is sad, but also that is their guilt. Woman want you, you have great sex with her, she convinces you that you need to have a baby and then problems can start if you didn't pick a good woman. After the first child, stuffs changing dramatically: you are not obligated by the low, and she can have much more influence on your life, destiny, health, everything. Again: if you pick wrong women. If you pick good women than marriage is even more beautiful that bachelor days. This sounds maybe brutal but that is how stuff works in male-female relationships in the 21st century. It is really simple, but absurd is that many men still don't get it nor they ever will...
Please "invest" 10 minutes more, to watch one of best videos which is made by Austin Institute when they researching on large sample male-female relationships. It will help you to understand how to get sex but also how to find real women for the rest of the life. Think about this Guide and Video and you will find out what you need to do, no matter are you seeking some fun with women or something more serious.
- The Economics of Sex (VIDEO)
For the end, look at a great video, 10-minute video (Austin Institute), this should watch every man, starting from 18 year old boys... :)
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