TL;DR: You want fast One Night Stands online? Visit Best Hookup Sites or continue reading.
One Night stand FAQ
What is one night standHow / Where to find local one night stands
CraigsList and One night stands?
How to land a One Night Stand
How / Where to find online one night stands
Choosing partner for 1 night stand
Can a One Night Stand Turn Into a Relationship
Escape the friend zone to get sex
Asking girl a for one night stand
Sending pictures to potential Hookups, Yes or No?
You still can't get laid?
How to act after one-night stand
What can go wrong after
Casual Relationships, yes or no?
One Night Stands and drugs
Top X Tips and Tricks
Casual Sex, Hookups and Relationship [ INFOGRAPHICS ]
Online Sexting Guide and How To
Sex and Health issues
ProtectionWhat can go wrong
Pregnancy after one night stand
Ethical question about one night stands
Visitors opinions

What is ONS? (1-night stand definition)
Many people are confused when it comes to understanding what one night stand is. To be clear with this: one night stand is a single sexual encounter (or simply: casual sex) with another person, regardless of any expectation of further relations. Or to be more precise: sex with somebody that you will NOT see nor have sex again. Why? Because in that way nobody doesn't have any commitment, just pure sex, sometimes good sex sometimes bad sex, but anycase just sex and nothing more:). I know that you like the idea of having such sex and I already hear your question: where to find women for casual sex?
Check also what Wikipedia says about one night stands.
Depends on country and culture, somewhere people (both men and women) are very active in this kind of getting intimate with opposite (or same) gender so one night stands are very common. West world is for more than 50 years much more open when it comes to casual encounters and 1-night stands than some other part of the world, mostly on the East, where women still are not liberated at same way like in some Western countries.
Finding local one night stands
Common question is how to find girls for one night stand easiest, Answer: locally is simplest way to get girl for one night stand. Reasons are obvious: It is free, it is near you, and it is best way to get laid fast, just going to local bar, club or some other popular place. You can even visit less popular places; it depends on how you see your chances. If you think that, you can have sex with good-looking girls, then go to popular places, because most of hot girls and hot middle aged women are there. On the other side, if you are not very sure in your seduction skills, maybe it is better to try with other places where hottest girls do not coming. This is obviously too: They are shinny (like you probably) and don't like to be exposed on fancy places.
Any case, wherever you decide to go and pickup some local girl for one night fun, it is very important to read women signals. Many girls and women wish one night hooking up, but not all of them. First step is to recognize female, which wants male for tonight. It should be hard: If she looks at you often, and if you look her straight in the eyes and see that she don't try to look on another side, send her a drink. If she accepts, you can start with action. It is not 100% sure that she wants sex with you, but you are on good way.
After you meet her, and after few drinks you are sure that want sex with her, you can say "let's go at my place". If she accepts then probably you get one night sex. If she don't accepts going to hotel or your place, be gentile, and proceed with another women near you, probably in same bar, because if first don't want to have sex with you, that doesn't mean anything, world is full of beautiful women and girls, and you just need not to waste your time. Again: if you fail in first try just keep continuing. After first few fails you will feel bad, but after first few victories you will get enough self-esteem to know how easy and fast to get any women you want in your bed, keep in mind that girls looking for one night stands at same way as you do, but they are just less directive when it comes to one night sex.
The old-school way of seducing chicks and having sex with them can harm, or in other words, even when you are using online ways to hookup, knowing how things work can be one more benefit. To explain this a bit deeper: younger generations start with sex, relationships and hookups using technology (apps, sites, chats) and many of them skipping very important part of learning about women. That is the reason why for younger men is highly recommended to start jerking around with chicks and women on the classic way, in pubs, clubs, public places and so on. On that way when you are trying to arrange casual sex online you simply have a much better chance, since females function on same way "in the real world" and "online", online just adding some new rules in their game.
Craigs List to find woman (girls) near you for NSA sex? (Not works anymore )
This chapter should be removed, since Craig's list after 20 years removed section personal ads due to some new Sex Trafficking Bill, so USA citizens can access CL anymore, but we decided to keep this chapter since it works for other countries in the world. Most of our visitors are from the USA and if you are from the USA, skip this.
* Buy-buy Craigs List personal ads, it was great times, thanks for all great moments! Check CraigsList Alternatives
* Craigs List section personal is one of very popular online places today, to search and find sexual partner, on fastest way, near you. It sounds great, it is free, and you should try. But before you try, keep in mind some facts, so you can avoid certain problems that you may have if you are seeking for female sexual partner on this way. This time we will skip usually security notice, like to be careful because on other side can be man, or some other kind of psycho. This time we will focused on something else. CL has similar problem as POF (see above) , and if you are looking for decent (not sex bombs, but decent girls) than you may have a problem. Essence of what we are trying to explain is: why any girl that looks decent will be so desperate to look for sex using classifieds? That means that you should not be surprised if girl posted image that look very nice, and when you meet her you that person on that images looks like her younger sister? Why? That is one of most common problems we sow on CL, non-decent female post their image 10 or even 20 years ago, and tell you “those are my pics few years ago”, when you come to see her, you see somebody 15 years older that you sow on images. And she thinks that she is very wise. So if that happen to you, be prepared, and have some exit strategy. (for example ask friend to call you, so in case that you need to run away you can easy say that your grandma is in hospital and you are very sorry but you need to go) So, if you are looking for prostitute CL is OK. But if you are looking for girl that really need just some fun and there are good chance she is decent and maybe even very hot you should look at our best dating sites list which is updated few times weekly or our top 10 hookup app reviews.
You can read our post about CraigsList alternative sites.
How to Land a One night stands
There are various proven and non-proven theories about getting one night stand on fastest way. We will talk about proven ways of charming female and getting sex fast or in other words: landing one night stand! We are covering both real-life one night stands and online one night stands.Two facts are important to remember1)picking women 2)approaching to women you want.It is all about your ambitions and good timing. For example, there is something called ‘women absurd’ it says: “More weight, easier to get”. You understand? This is brief into about fact number 1-picking women. You need to know your value, or in other words “league” where you are playng. If you don’t have too much hair and you are 5” tall than probably you have minor chances to get Sharon Stone in bed tonight. If you are looking as George Clooney than is probably your ambition to have one night stand with Sharon Stone.Point is that you must pick women that is in your league and to approach her on appropriate way. In group of women, one that you like most probably all other males like most and she has a lot of offers for sex, marriage dating etc, but second or third in group don’t have so much casual sex and sex dating at all, so you should target them. In case that you are looking like Clooney or Sheen, any case you should start with 2nd or 3rd in group, just for practice, and then when you boost confidence and get numerous one night sex dates then you proceed to those most beautiful.When you picked your ‘target’, you must choose best timing, which will dramatically increase your chances to get sex tonight. For example, if you come to club, don’t try in first hour, be patient exchange few smiles, and count number of drinks she takes, after few she is probably relaxed so you can proceed. One of best universal and most stupid, but always working approaches is that you come to her and tell her that she is looking familiar to you. Since you are both adults, and that is stupid approach, if she likes you she will play the game and try to figure out where from she knows you. Off course she don’t know you and you don’t know her, but if she is interested it is enough to start conversation, that mean she is interested, then just don’t push ad wait for her at the middle or end of the night to ask you to drove her or something. Also if she say; I am living 2 blocks away that is green light, if she asks you where is your place that is also green light. This is not very hard to figure out does she wants wild sex tonight with you or not.In case that she “don’t know you”, that you “don’t look familiar” to her, that means she is not attracted sexually by you, so you are going to step one and paying game from start, picking another women and stating again. In most cases, if you are ugliest guy on earth one of tree girls will say “Yes you look familiar to me too, do we know each other?” When you get “green light” you are done!
Here is small hint that will help you to estimate chances to land one night stand in USA, depends on where from you are (state and city). Pick your or city nearest to you to see how much sexually active females there seeking for hookups and use hookup sites or apps to find females near you.
When you finally arrange meeting with her, and when you are face to face, if you really like her, and still want sex, proceed following steps from local one night stands paragraph.
Adult dating web sites (sex dating sites) and hookup apps and sex chats are great place to start finding your one night stand or even person for everyday casual sex. Many sites have top of free and fake women / girl profiles so it is much better to spend $20 or something dollars to become part of adult verified community, where people don’t make fake profiles because of one night stands dating site costs, so skip free one-night dating sites because you will spent your time.
Remember: if you want sex with a girl you meet online (and of course you want) never rush things. The idea is very simple and works: just be patient, don't mention sex nor anything related, make her feel relaxed, make her feel that you not "hunting" her only for sex. Talk about casual things, ask her what she is doing for the living, talk about high school, job, her family her cat, her friends. Sex is something you will not mention until she wants that topic too to discuss with you, and when she initiates sex-related talks, try to look not very interested. Point is that she needs to feel that you are interested in her and not in her body. That is a way that always works and that is the way to get sex.
Update: Since we received many requests in past months, we decide to review and test popular dating sites (So notice, there is no one night stand sites, it is more like dating sites with more chances to get sex due to profile of particular adult site members average profile). Most people who come to our page dedicated to one night stands, is actually interested for find online partners for locally arranged meetings (read sex stands), so this list with our ratings is constantly improved, we are tracking and testing various dating/sex/adult sites and chats and publishing those what we consider as best for finding sexual partners online.
Choose sex partner for 1 night stand
Important is, no matter are you finding partner for one night stand adventure online or locally pickup, to choose right person. That is mentioned partially in where to find locals for one night stand, but here are some more details. If you met her and you don't like her, or you know each other from some dating site or chat, and you see each other for first time and release that you don't like her really and maybe she neither likes you it is better to tell her. Not on that way, but be creative, tell her you are committed but didn't mentioned that later, ot tell you have some emergency case or something. One the other side, if you like her too much, and maybe felt in love, be sure that she has similar feeling, in opposite case that will bring to you and to her only a problems. One night dates sometime become long term relationships, but that is only and only in case that both partners which to share some time together and not just a sex, or in other words when becomes obviously that chemistry exists.
Can a One Night Stand Turn Into a Relationship
It happens! People looking for one night stand usually following one of those 2 reasons: 1st if they are in a relationship they want something fast, exciting to refresh sex life. The second group is those who are sick from bad relationships and just looking for some physical pleasure and get laid without any obligations (aka finding fuck buddies). No matter are you fit in any of those 2 groups it could happen to you to meet and have sex with someone who will be good enough for other things in your life too. So, it is not very usual but it happens that your one night stand become your dating partner or even husband or wife. We even received one comment from our reader, that illustrates this, he says: "I got there asking how to have a one night stand when I found it, she becomes my fiancée!".
Our advice and recommendation are to keep separated casual sex and fuck buddies on one side, and a person that you will gonna marry and have kids. Off course it is up to you to decide, but will give you single argument why casual hookup shouldn't lead to a relationship and you decide. Imagine you meet someone on hookup site, have one night stand and decide to start dating because another side (her) wants too. Then after some time in a relationship, you decide to marry and have kids and you do on that way. Now answer this question, not to us, but to your self: would you ever can be trustful with such person who had sex with you on a first date? Or knowing that fact you will be jealous and always thinking "if she did that with me, what stops her to do that again, or she is maybe doing all the time? Again, those are just ours 2 cents about question should ONS become relationship, once again: NO.
Escape the friend zone, be her lover, not just cute guy
Escape the friend zone, be her lover, not just cute guy This is one of most common questions we got in first months: How to escape from so called friend zone? For those who do not know, here is what friend zone is. It is sticky, and can happened to anyone: You meet girl at gym, in school, at work or anywhere else, you like her and you start to pretend nice to get closer. She accepts you, but you are in trap, she accepted you as friend not as potential sexual partner, so what to do? You do not want to broke friendship one one side, but you want more than beeng just friend on another side, right?
Answer is actually very simple: You need to take a chance! Look from this angle: If she do not want to have sex with you, you need to find out that. On the other side, you started to look at her as sexual object and that is reason why you become friends? So, after some time spent, when she is relaxed and know you are nice guy, you need to tell her that you are a man too, that you have needs and that you are very sexually attracted by her. In about 70% - 75% after you broke friend zone on this way, you will get sex. In another 25%-30% you will lost female friend.More time spent in the friend zone = smaller chances are that you will get out of the friend zone successfully,
so, Calculate yourself and decide: is it worth or not?
How to ask girl for One Night Stand / Get Kaid
In short terms: never ask girl to have sex with her !
Never ever ask the girl to get laid / have sex / or one night stand, that is not a way how things works and you will not get what you want, but on another side, she will think that you are so desperate for sex and probably will looking at you like on looser. So big no-no, remember that. Play game, be what you are, and don't ask for sex because in woman eyes that is kind of begging. Also, trying to convince woman or girl to have sex with you, will produce opposite effect, keep in mind: when she wants sex with you, she will show you that, if she doesn't want to have sex with you-you can't do anything about that. The best way is to look and pretend that you are not interested in sex. At all. Show some interests in her family, friend, career, life, family, whatever but don't mention sex. In that way, she will get the impression that you are interested in her and not in her body. When she started to poke you with some sexual jokes or topics, ignore. That is important since girls never believe that guy want sex from them, but if a guy looks so uninterested, last chance to check such guy is to start to talk something sexual, so keep in mind that is last trap, when she starts about sex, try to skip to other topics. That would dramatically increase your chances to have sex with her.
Pictures when you are arranging Online Hookups, yes or no?
This is a bit tricky. If you are 9/10 or 10/10 it is ok to send best of your pictures to your potential online hookups. But if you are not, and most of the men is < 9/10 at attractiveness scale, then you need to have some tactic. In case you are good looking (9-10/10) than you don't have a problem with women, nor in real life, nor online, so this is dedicated to that group, a larger number of men and boys, who are not so attractive, and if you are in "top" group of males skip reading this :)
For all other: try avoiding sending of your pictures to potential one-night stand girls if you made some kind of communication, or even if you have good communication with her. Reason? Girls are picky, and online hookup sites and apps give than an opportunity to be even pickier. If you made her be interested in you, avoid sending pictures (and don't initiate that) and try to arrange the meeting. When she met you much higher chances that you will sleep with her. To be more descriptive: in case that she wants, but she is not sure will she see/bang with you, insisting on pictures can make her to decided to "switch" to another "opportunity" (man) and in case you have interesting story that keeps her smiler, much better chances are to meet you, and in case she doesn't like you, at first sight, you will have much higher chances than sending picture what can result in rejecting "at first sight". Hope you understand this because this is very important: don't try to impress her with your attractive, try to make her interested in YOU, that dramatically increases your chances to have sex with her.
Reasons Why You're Not Getting Laid (if you don't)
If you still can't get laid easily, no matter are you trying in real world or online, can be:
- You are too shiny and without confidence, you are not believing yourself that you will have sex with her, how to expect that she will be into you?
- You may be bad at kissing or not very clean (hygiene), always be fresh, shaved and with clean teeth.
- Your ego makes problems: for example, if you expect from her that call you to her place to have sex, women like when they see that man show some initiative and that looks that he knows what he is doing.
- You are talking too much: it is ideal when you after nice conversation perfectly find a moment when you will stop with small talks and when you will suggest your or her place and some pizza, again don't impress her too much with your big mouth.
Also, take a look at our collection of hookups and casual sex infographics, they are very informational, self-explanatory and from them, you can learn many interesting things about online hookups and landing one night stands because they show numbers from many great studies and researches on male-female relations.
What After One Night Stands
If you want to keep her, try to examine what she thinking about that. As already said only sex partners with a lot of chemistry can be LTR. Still, if she wants to keep you, try to find out doeas she want just to have sex with you or she wants to keep you as date. That is very important because people usually misunderstand about this. On your side, show clearly do you want to see her again and why, for sex of for relationship.
Our opinion that One Night Stands should stay one-time casual sex and shouldn't involve in relationship nor marriage. If you really like a person and want to have sex multiple times, best is to think about Friends With Benefits concept. In that way, you will not gonna be emotionally involved and you will have sex partner time by time. A good concept is making a group of Friends with Benefits, so, for example, you could have sex with each of them once weekly. In case that you wish something like that, it is best after sex to ask your partner is she interesting for FWB concept. If she is not don't push her, if she is, make some rules on both side and follow them
What can go wrong after one night hookup
Like already described, after one night stand wrong can be only misunderstand about what each of you to want in future. For someone one night stand is just one night stand, for another, more emotional people, it can be introduction to emotional relationship, always keep in mind to tell clearly what you want and to ask what she wants. On that way you will avoid many problem. At the end you are meeting women for first time having sex, so it is normal that you now each other and that you don't know what other side want with you.
Casual Sex Relationships, Yes or No
People often send us messages with the similar question, something like: I followed your instructions for finding online hookup with sex site or casual sex app, blah, blah, but in this moment Me/my partner considering having casual sex relationship, what is your opinion?
In short terms, our opinion is: No. Again, big No No. On the other side, if you want to do that and you feel happy then just do it, nobody can stop you nor you need to ask anybody for an opinion. But fact that you are asking for opinion tell us that you are not 100% sure, right? :)
Explanation why we think NO is the right answer for casual sex relationships: We already talk about what one night stands are, casual sex is when one-night stand happens more than once. So what is a problem? In simple worlds: trust. If people have sex once, and then decide to have few more times, that is not casual sex that starts to involve emotions, and when it comes to emotions things become different. You're and/or your sexual partner expectations become different and that can't lead to anything good. To keep this short, we will give just one example, which we sow many times. Letters from our readers that say "I had one night stand than we envolved in next weeks in casual sex partner on a daily base, and now we are in a relationship, what bothers me, will he/she continue to seek sexual partners on same way like found me"? :) Answer is: Yes of course that he/she will continue to use sex sites and apps to find new sex partners just like founded you. We hope that you get the point.
One Night stands and drugs abuse
Often asked a question is should drugs be used in one-night stand hookups and what drugs are best. Our opinion is that you should NOT use drugs at all, especially when you are having sex with someone for first (and only) time, but in case that you wouldn't listen to our advice, at least take care about your health. Drugs can make you feel better and have better sensations in sex but also could make some horrible things. It is up to yo but once again our advice is NOT to take any drugs, some alcohol, especially wine is OK and suggested but try to avoid drugs. On the other side, if you are decided to go on that way and have questions like "what is best to take for intensive sex" , etc, than visit this forum, probably best resource for such issues, a lot of people sharing their expiriences... And again: take care of your health and health of your one-night stand partner.Alsoskiptoinfluence of alcohol and drug use on one-night stands, interesting reasearch about this topic.
Short but very useful tips and tricks ...
Keep your sheets and towels clean: When you pickup girls and take to your place (in case you are taking her in your place) be prepared! This is one small trick, but you wouldn't believe how it is powerful. I don't know why, but during a years I experimented and found that this issue really matters to girls and women. They adore and will usually not back of when they see clean sheets, some nice light in my bedroom and some puffy towels (you know those towels, they remind me on bunny). Again, remember: be prepared when she comes, keep bed in and bathroom superb clean. I am "raw" type of guy, I smoke, I drink and after night out I smell as you can expect under those circumstances, and many women actually love that, but if I take them at my place which is stinky then everything can go away (except she is very very drunk). In opposite key, when they see nice and clean sheets, towels like I described then 90% females who come to my place also get laid there, compared to 50/50 in case of dirty socks everywhere, sheets from month ago and no towel in the bathroom at all.
Food and wine in the refrigerator: It is good to have some wine and some decent food always. Most of the chicks that you pick in a bar or meet online and they come to your place, will not put their pants down immediately. You need to be a good host, to show her where the bathroom is, and never ask is she hungry or did she want to drink some wine, just put in front of here. Food and wine have sometimes magical effect on girls who are not still sure will have sex with you. Keep in mind: Food and Wine in the refrigerator are must-have when you bring your one night stand girl at your place!
Protection (STD)
This is something very basically, but to be clear: read that info about sexually transmitted diseases, and take care about prevention / protection (use condom always).
You are sleeping, kissing and having sex with unknown person, and no matter how she looks clean, you must use protection.
Ideally to avoid any type of complications is when both sides (You and your female sex partner) are responsible is that she takes pills and you take a condom, on that way chances for pregnancy are literally 0% and for some STDs are very, very low, you can only get infected by kissing. In case that is not so responsible condoms are just OK. Keep in mind that you don't have idea how much man before you had sex with your hookup girl!
What can go wrong after one night stands
If you are a bit careful in choosing a partner for casual sex, and no matter how she (or he) looks to you, if you use condoms that is very low chance that something goes wrong. But, if you are not using condoms, or you practice oral sex without protection, or anal or any other kind of sex without mechanical protection that many things can go wrong. Pregnancy (baby) with a person, which was your casual sex partner, is not worsted what can happen. Worst surprises are STD (sexually transmitted diseases) which vary from infections, gonorrhea, various bacteria up to deadly AIDS. Always use condoms in any forms of one night stand sex, and do not fail in a trap that someone looks nice and healthy to you. And always keep in mind: If she hooked up with you 2 hours ago, you are probably not the first one with her in bed, what means condom is must-use protection. If you following that simple rule, you will have many great moments in various hookups with various girls.
Sometimes both women and men have depression after one night stands. It is more specific for women but men also can feel bad after one night sex with an unknown person. The solution is up to you: to stop with such meetings (stop having sex with unknown persons), to visit a doctor, or to ask your friends for advice. It is very individual, but if you feel bad simply don't do that anymore.
If you don't enjoy and feel good after casual sex with new people than simply don't do that! No matter if your friends have a lot of adventures and you think you should to, remember that people are different, some people really enjoy in casual hookups with the huge number of partners, other need some intimacy and feelings to have sex with someone. It is up to you to decide are in the first or second group. Don't rush in one night stands just to have some story to tell your friends if you don't really enjoy such sexual behavior.
Pregnancy after One Night Stand
We got few messages with the same question: what after one night stand if she is pregnant? In that situation, the only thing you can do is:
1)* change phone number (not recommended)
2)* find her and see what is she willing to do, talk, decide together (recommended option)
Once again, in part about the protection, we mentioned that condom is must-have for one night stands. So please remember, health at first place!
* The idea of casual dating is to have something pleasant so it is best to avoid the situation as pregnancy. The best way is the simplest: use condoms to protect from: STDs and pregnancy. Keep in mind if you are disciplined you can enjoy for a long time in hookups with various partners, condoms are absolutely necessary for pleasure and safety you and your sex partner.
Ethical questions...
Like previous, this is also individually. It depends of part of world where are coming from, society where you are living and family that raised you. So we can't say that is globally moral or immoral having one night stands, simply, you must decide what do you feel about that.For some people dating with married women and men is OK, for another people having sex before marriage is immoral, you need to find how you feel about that and what you think about one night stands.
Globally, if we say on that way, Western culture is more liberal and things like casual sex are socially accepted, especially among the young and single population. Often such values are promoted in movies and books, for example, wild sexual behavior in college days and similar. On the other side, Eastern culture still has a different point of view. There is a lot of countries in the East where are promoted some traditional values and even for females virginity before marriage, even in some cases male virginity before marriage. Same can be seen within some religious communities no matter where they are (on east and west), very traditional thoughts about body, sexuality, male-female relations, and marriage. Point is that it is up to you how you feel about your sexuality, sexual desires and what you think that is OK and what is not OK... Our opinion is that everybody should behave exactly on that way that gives internal peace, whatever behavior we are talking about.
- Sexual strategies theory
- The Sexual Context of Fertility Decision-Making
- FBI Sex offenders registry and Sexual Offenders Registry (not bad to check person you are going to date or have sex here)
- Wikipedia definition of One Night Stand(s)
- Have fun, but keep in mind STDs, I mean use protection everytime, especially with ONE partners (Wikipedia)
- Americans Sexual Behaviors (American Sex Survey)
- The influence of alcohol and drug use on one-night stands among adolescents
- The sexual double standard and gender differences in attitudes toward casual sex among U.S. university students
- Sexual Hookup Culture: A Review
- The Economics of Sex - one of favorite, must read (ilustrated and simplified edition)!
- The Economics of Sex - (VIDEO) edition
- Inspirational sex positions
- Dont' forget to read this, beautiful :) - A Letter From JP Morgan CEO to Gold Diggers