What is "pro et contra" when it comes to Male Enhancement? As you know we are writing reviews about hookup sites, apps, and real-life places to find sex, but after many similar questions from male population, from 18 to 80 y/o, we decided to test and share with you our experience about Male Enhancement pills and gels which provide good or at least some results. If you don't have the patience to read, skip to list of products that , but we strongly suggest to read.
What are Male Enhancement products
Best Male Enhancement product that you can find on the Market
What are Male Enhancement products
Male Enhancement Pills and Gels are nonsurgical methods to increase penis size. Most of them are based on a natural base, some other have hormones and other stuff. Also, surgical methods to increase penis size in some cases wouldn't give the result as pills or gels too. Simply it will not work for everybody, but it is worth trying since there is many people who use such products for better sexual expirience and they are satisfied.
This text results from both: people who shared their experiences with Male Enhancement products and those who asked "is it worth to try", or "what pill / gel I should try'. So, today we are going to be talking about the best male enhancement pills.
What can be the side effects
Before we start with good sides and possibilities, we must mention that in some cases Male Enhancement Pills can have side effects like:
* Headaches
* Body aches
* Digestive problems
* Vision changes
The Best Male Enhancement products on the market [2025]
Ask Your doctor for perscription and or suggestion on what products to use and how to use it!
How Male Enhancement products work, and is it Worth a Try?
It is good to know that Sexual performance declines naturally as men age, but in case of a rapid decrease in performance or libido is usually a symptom that something happens in the body. This text pills, gels, and sprays is dedicated to the first group of people, the second group should visit the doctor before taking pills.
We know a lot of you guys have some questions about ME (male enhancement) products since we received a lot of messages from our readers in various ages. We will try to cover the most common question that we received from you, but also feel free to contact us if you have any more questions, we will glad to update this page with new information.
What Are Male Enhancement products?
ME products are usually pills, and sometimes gels, oils, and sprays that increase boo flow to your "masculinity" (penis). They are usually based on various herbs and helps you to have bigger and harder erections, better libido and even better ejaculation volume and quality. Of course when everything is increased, then your and your partner's pleasure is also increased. That means that some people after using ME product really come to next level of own unknown sexuality.
When I can expect the first results?
Unlike synthetic drugs, like most know Viagra, natural products (like those here we picked for you) need some time. Depends on your age and general condition of your body it will take 1-3 weeks until you can see first results. For example male in early-mid 30s or early 40s, that has an average life can see first results within the first week. On the other side, a man in late 50s maybe will need 2 weeks to see results of using ME products. If you take for a long time male enhancement products there are much better chances that results will be visible longer.
Best results are usually seen after 4-5 months of constantly taking. In that time you will also feel does products makes you feel and "act" better or no.
What about size?
In the case on bad or incomplete erection, you do not use 100% of your penis. Enhancement Pills (or gels and oils) will help you to reach 100% of size or at least to be close to that goal, since like we already said, the regulate (increase) blood flow to your penis.
To be more precise if you don't understand this. For example, male in the mid-40s naturally doesn't have an erection that he had when he was 19 y/o. The continual taking of pills (4-5 months) can help to be very very close to erection he has in 19 years. So it will NOT make your penis bigger, but it will help to your penis be hardest and largest possible.
Long-term results of taking ME products?
Permanent results can be seen if you permanently taking a product that has an effect on your sexuality, libido, and pleasure.
There is no such pill that can be taken once and results to last forever. That would be a magic pill :)
If you are going to gym a few times weekly, after a few months you will look better, more fit and will gain some muscles. Then you can continue going to the gym and your shape will be still ok, but if you stop going into the gym, slowly you will lose muscles, literally the same story is with ME products.
What are the best Male Enhancement Products?
Here is a list of Top Male Enhancement pills, gels and oils tha we tested and picked as those with the best results.
If works for us, we hope it will work for you too! :)
What about other ME products?
We tested about 25 different products and those 5 we picked as best are just our opinion. When we prepared this post, we found out that there is more than 70 various ME products on the market, so we don't say that those 5 are the best, we say that they are best among 25 tested products (20 different pills, 2 gels, 2 oils and 1 spray).
What we noticed with those 5 ME products, is that all of them:
- Increase erections size in both length and girth
- Gives harder and Long Lasting Erections
- Improves orgasm
How we tested?
Our criteria before buying and testing all mentioned Male Enhancement (ME) products:
- The manufacturer must be well-established and trustworthy.
- The manufacturer provides Information on all the ingredients
- The manufacturer offers a money back guarantee.
Does Male Enhancement Pills Show Up On A Drug Test?
The short answer is NO. ME products will not show up on a drugs test, simply because there are no drugs in it.
Few words about Erectile Dysfunction Drugs
As opposite to male Enhancement products are Erectile Dysfunction Drugs. Those have the instant effect that last from 50 minutes to 6 hours. We are giving this just for informational purposes. Keep in mind:
So here are the most popular:
Viagra * | Quickly absorbed by the body and less effective after a high-fat meal, the best effect on empty stomach. Many people around the world died due to overdose with Viagra |
Levitra * | Similar to Viagra but can make side effect, especially with grapefruit juice. |
Cialis * | Some side effects, especially if you drink alcohol can be headaches, dizziness, an increase in heart rate. |
Stendra * | Exactly same as Cialis. |
Staxyn * | It should NOT be taken with any kind of liquid. Staxyn is used 1 hour before sex and provides erection up to 30 minutes. |
If you are not sure or you are in doubt: do you need a natural way to increase your sexual power or you need drugs (like those 5 most popular) our advice is always:always and only NATURAL! It will take some more time for first results, but on that way, you will have much better results in the future and will keep your body without health risks.
- Exploring scientifically proven herbal aphrodisiacs (US National Library of Medicine)